Registration Act, 1908, Section 60 -- Endorsement of Sub Registrar - Presumption of correctness - Sale deed - Fraud of sale under garb of Will alleged - Executant being illiterate lady - Endorsement on sale deed by Sub Registrar showing contents read over and explained to vendor - Sub Registrar proved the endorsement - Evidence of marginal witness showing sale deed to have..........
Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, Section 230, 41 -- Purchase of vehicle under hire purchase agreement - Hirer is owner for purpose of Motor Vehicles Act - Person in possession under hire purchase agreement is entitled to move an application under S.41 of the Act so as to enable him to get his name entered as registered owner in the Certificate of Registration...........
Family settlement -- Consideration passed hands from one party to another - It naturally is for creation of rights - Such a document necessarily requires registration...........
Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988, Section 7, 13(2), 13(1)(d) -- Demand and acceptance of Rs.35,000/- as bribe for registration of documents of property sale - Acquittal of accused - Decoy witness PW 2 resiled and turned hostile - Shadow witness though supported the case but was not corroborated by any other evidence - Money was recovered from beneath pillow from the bed..........
Specific Relief Act, 1963, Section 27, 31 -- Sale deed - Suit for cancellation - Conduct of plaintiff found blame worthy between the date of presentation of sale deed for registration and date of filing of the suit including the exchange of correspondence - ITC necessary for registration not produced - Did not honour the agreement embodied in the letter dt.12.8.1971 -..........
Registration Act, 1908, Section 47, Transfer of Property Act, 1882, Section 48 -- Sale deed - Presented for registration and kept pending and registered thereafter - Held, it will operate from date of execution of sale deed and not from date of registration...........
Registration Act, 1908, Section 71 -- Registration of document - Sub Registrar has no authority to entertain objections and examine rival claims - Validity of registered document can be questioned in Court in appropriate proceedings and not before Sub Registrar...........
Constitution of India, 1950, Article 226, Registration Act, 1908, Section 71 -- Writ petition - Declaratory relief in regard to immovable property where such grant involves disputed question of fact which cannot be satisfactorily decided in writ petition cannot be granted - Document registered whether sale deed or mortgage deed cannot be decided in writ petition...........
Karnataka Stamp Act, 1957, Section 45A -- Registration of document - Stamp duty paid on consideration shown in document - Held, Sub Registrar has no power to impound document and postpone registration on ground that property covered by document is undervalued...........
Criminal Procedure Code, 1973, Section 452 -- Tractor - Seized from petitioner - Petitioner purchased the same but registration not got transferred in his name - No tax paid by the petitioner - Complaint of petitioner regarding same vehicle pending in Court - No explanation how tractor came into possession of petitioner - Custody of tractor rightly handed over to its..........