Registration Act, 1908, Section 34 -- Powers of Sub Registrar in registering a document presented to him for registration - Absolute...........
Agreement to sell -- Suit for specific performance - Presence of plaintiff in the office of Sub Registrar with the sale consideration and also with the amount required for the purpose of stamp duty and registration expenses - Proof - Affidavit attested by Sub Registrar recording the presence of the plaintiff with the balance sale consideration - Proved by reader to the..........
Criminal Procedure Code, 1973, Section 309, Constitution of India, 1950, Article 21 -- Speedy trial - Right flows from Article 21 of the Constitution and it encompasses the stage right from the date of registration of the FIR - If trial is for offence punishable with imprisonment for next exceeding seven years evidence shall be closed on completion of two years from..........
Registration Act, 1908, Section 68 -- The power conferred under Section 68 of the Act on the Registrar to exercise superintendence and control over the Sub Registrar is administrative ...........
Registration Act, 1908, Section 68 -- Section does not confer on the Registrar the power of cancelling registration of a document the execution of which is not denied and which has been registered by the Sub Registrar...........
Contract Act, 1872, Section 11, Transfer of Property Act, 1882, Section 7, Registration Act, 1908, Section 34, 35, 68 -- Sale deed - Cancellation - Lunatic - Once a person is disqualified from contracting being of unsound mind, a contract by him is void - A lunatic by inquisition was not competent to sell the land in favour of petitioners...........
Registration Act, 1908, Section 49(c) -- Proviso - Partition deed - Unregistered - Inadmissible in evidence to prove terms of disposition of properties embodied therein and to show as to which properties fell to whose share under that document in partition - However, it can be admitted in evidence for collateral purpose of proving factum of partition and nature of..........
Indian Partnership Act, 1932, Section 69(2) -- Suit by unregistered partnership firm arising out of breach of covenant by the party - Suit is barred by S.69(2) of Partnership Act - Subsequent registration of firm during pendency of suit whether will cure the defect - Question left open...........
Haryana Panchayati Raj Act, 1994, Section 51(1)(a) -- Suspension of Sarpanch - Registration of a case under Sections 332/353/186/147/149 IPC against Sarpanch - Plea that offences alleged not such that might involve moral turpitude - Not tenable - If offence committed by a Sarpanch such that it may embarrass him in discharge of his duties or may reflect defect of his..........
Haryana Panchayati Raj Act, 1994, Section 51(1)(a) -- Suspension of Sarpanch - Registration of a case under Sections 332/353/186/147/149 IPC against Sarpanch - Plea that offence committed by Sarpanch does not fall in the list of offences involving moral turpitude under Instructions issued by Haryana Government - Not tenable - Instructions issued by Haryana Government..........