Consumer Protection Act, 1986, Section 15 -- Condonation of delay - Ground, misplacing of impugned order of the District Forum which was duly received by the appellant - Held that in case he was unable to locate the order, another copy could be applied from the District Forum - Ground not valid and genuine for condoning the delay - Appeal dismissed as barred by limitation...........
Consumer Protection Act, 1986, Section 2(1),(d),(ii) -- Electricity Supply (Consumers) Regulations, 1984, Regulation 9 - Consumer - Electricity power connection - Power connection stood in the name of the late father of the complainant - Nowhere pleaded that any mutation having been done in that connection in the name of the complainant - Held that unless there is an..........
Consumer Protection Act, 1986, Section 2(1),(e) -- Consumer dispute - Examination result - Non declaration of result for one and half years by the Board due to administrative failure by the Board - Plea of the Board that the Education Board is a statutory body and appearing in the examination is not a consumer dispute - Held statutory bodies are not immune from the ambit..........
Consumer Protection Act, 1986, Section 2(1),(d) -- Consumer - Commercial purpose - Machine purchased for production of sugar for sale and earning profit - Complainant is not a consumer...........
Insurance Claim -- Discharge voucher - Respondent - Complainant failed to prove that her signature on the discharge voucher taken by misrepresentation fraud or by exercising undue influence or coercion - In the view of the matter, after receiving the amount in full and final settlement of her claim the complainant cannot approach a consumer court for payment of the balance..........
Consumer Protection Act, 1986, Section 13 -- Insurance claim - Complex and complicated matter - Both the parties have placed all the relevant record and material before the Forum - Dismissal of the complaint directing the parties to approach civil court as it involves complex and complicated matter - Held that the District Forum should have decided the matter on merit as..........
Consumer Protection Act, 1986, Section 2(1),(d) -- Housing - Consumer - Cancellation of allotment of flat on failure on the part of complainant to deposit the required amount - Plea that he applied for house building advance from GPF which has taken unusual time repelled - Held that no distinction can be made between the common consumer and the consumer who is a Government..........
Consumer Protection Act, 1986, Section 24A -- Limitation - Housing - The first allotment of flat cancelled in August, 1990 and while second allotment cancelled in May, 1992 - The complaint filed in April, 1995 after more than two years without showing sufficient cause for delay held to be time barred...........
Consumer Protection Act, 1986, Section 2(1),(d) -- Consumer - Medical service - Rs. 1800/- donated to charitable hospital for operation of eye - Held that it is nothing but a method of taking the fee in different form - Complainant is definitely consumer...........
Consumer Protection Act, 1986, Section 2(1),(g),14(1),(d), Railways Act, 1989, Section 100 -- Railway services - Theft and loss of suit case from the reserved berth - No bolts and hooks for the safety of luggage - Unauthorised person entered and taken away the suit case - Complainant tried to pull the chain but that was out of order - Railways held deficient in service by..........