Consumer Protection Act, 1986, Section 17,21 -- Jurisdiction - Complicated issues of law or facts - Negligence of experts - Under the Consumer Protection Act, the National Commission is required to be headed by a retired Supreme Court Judge and the State Commission is required to be headed by a retired High Court Judge - They are competent to decide complicated issues of..........
Consumer Protection Act, 1986, Section 13,14 -- Delay in disposal of complaints - Avoiding of - Guidelines issued - National Commission to take appropriate steps including:a) By exercising of Administrative control, it can be seen that competent persons are appointed as Members on all levels so that there may not be any delay in composition of the Forum or the Commission..........
Consumer Protection Act, 1986, Section 27 -- Recall of order - State Commission passing execution of order directing OP-applicant to deposit Rs.1,07,000/- with it - In appeal, National Commission granting interim stay - Order passed in execution came to be passed since the interim order of the National Commission was not brought to the notice of the State Commission by the..........
Consumer Protection Act, 1986, Section 2(1),(e) -- Consumer dispute - Education - Deficiency in service - If there is deficiency in service while imparting education by public institution it give rise to the consumer dispute and the Consumer Acts comes into play...........
Consumer Protection Act, 1986, Section 21 -- Summary jurisdiction - Complaint involving compensation claim of Rs.1,72,32,822.00 - About 600 documents filed by the complainant - Written version and documents running into 258 pages - Case of the complainant requires a great deal of evidence both documentary and oral - Not possible to decide such a matter in summary..........
Consumer Protection Act, 1986, Section 15 -- Appeal - Condonation of delay - Delay of 15 days in filing the appeal - Appellant's version that he was engaged in the preparation for the exhibition - Certified copy received by a member of appellant's family on 16.10.1998 - Exhibition was to be commenced on 14.11.1998 - Sufficient time for appellant to file appeal in time -..........
Consumer Protection Act, 1986, Section 15 -- Appeal - Condonation of delay - Sufficient cause - Determination of - Test of a reasonable man in normal circumstances to be applied...........
Consumer Protection Act, 1986, Section 1(4),2(d),2(e),2(o) -- Pension dispute - Whether a Consumer Dispute? - Held No - Complaint by Respondent No.3 u/s 12 of the Act, alleging harassment, irresponsible attitude and bahaviour of certain officials of the Central Pension Accounting Office held not maintainable - Respondent No.2 by stretch of any imagination cannot bring..........
Consumer Protection Act, 1986, Section 14 -- Jurisdiction - District Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum and State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission are creations of a statute and therefore, derive their jurisdiction and powers from the various provisions of the said statute and are courts of limited jurisdiction - Such statutory Forums do not enjoy any plenary or..........
Consumer Protection Act, 1986, Section 24A -- Limitation - Housing - Allotment of the house took place in 1982 - Legal notice served in the year 1991 - Complaint filed in the year 2002 - Complaint entertained by the Commission on the ground that the matter remained under investigation - Complainant was called for recording his statement in connection with the enquiry -..........