Punjab Co-operative Societies Act, 1961, Section 27 -- Removal of Managing Committee of Co-operative Society - Order, if gives no details of: (i) defaults, or (ii) negligent acts committed, and does not show how not functioning properly - Order not in accordance with law and liable to be quashed...........
Punjab Co-operative Societies Act, 1961, Section 27 -- Order under - Must be supported by reasons - Should show that Registrar has applied his mind...........
Punjab Gram Panchayat Act, 1953, Section 103(1) - - Supersession of Gram Panchayat - If (i) no material with Government to support a conclusion, or (ii) based on wrong assumption of facts, or (iii) based on facts which did not exist - Such order cannot be upheld - Constitution of India, 1950, Article 226...........
Punjab Gram Panchayat Act, 1953, Section 103, 102 - - Non-signing of resolution by some Panches - Action can be taken against individual Panches under Section 102 - Cannot be made a ground for supersession of Gram Panchayat under Section 103...........
Punjab Gram Panchayat Act, 1953, Section 103(1) - - Failure of Gram Panchayat to do development work - Development work not defined or set out by Government - Vagueness introduces arbitrariness on part of Government in supervision of work of Gram Panchayat - Supersession on this basis - Not competent...........
Punjab Gram Panchayat Act, 1953, Section 103(1) - - Supersession of Gram Panchayat - One of the grounds that Gram Panchayat did not do development work since 1971 - Gram Panchayat not constituted in 1971, it could not function and therefore doing any development work does not arise - Inclusion of year 1971 prejudiced action of Government against Gram Panchayat - Order..........
Punjab Gram Panchayat Act, 1953, Section 19 - - Scope of - Development duties of Gram Panchayat - Not covered...........
Punjab Tenancy Act, 1887, Section 67, 68, 69, 72 -- Compensation for reclamation etc. - Long tenancy - Tenant not entitled to compensation for reclamation or improvement - Reimburses himself the expenses incurred - Period of 20 years sufficient...........
Haryana Ceiling on Lands Holdings Act, 1972, Section 33, 18 - - Power of review given by Section 24 Punjab Security of Land Tenures Act - Not inconsistent with provisions of Haryana Ceiling on Land Holdings Act - Not repealed by virtue of Section 33(1) - Courts can review judgments under Punjab Security of Land Tenures Act even after coming into force of Section 33 Haryana..........
Punjab Tenancy Act, 1887, Section 82 -- Review-When competent - Mistake or error on face of record - Error should not require matter to show incorrectness of judgment - Mistake may be of fact or law - Punjab Security of Land Tenures Act (10 of 1953), Section 24 - Haryana Ceiling on Land Holdings Act (26 of 1972), Section 18...........