Consumer Protection Act, 1986, Section 2(1)(g), 14, 21 -- Deficiency in service - Sanction of term loan - Non release of loan amount - Respondent at fault for non release of balance loan amount - No deficiency on the part of the appellant - Compensation cannot be awarded when there is no deficiency...........
Consumer Protection Act, 1986, Section 2(1)(g) , 14(1)(d) -- Financial services - Loan - For manufacturing unit - Non release of sanctioned loan - Deficiency in service - Compensation - The loss claimed to be suffered by the respondent for the reason of not being able to start the unit - It cannot be the basis for awarding the compensation specifically when the respondent..........
Consumer Protection Act, 1986, Section 2(1)(d) -- Consumer - Commercial purpose - Plantation of poplar trees - Complainants had purchased the poplar plants with the financial aid of NABARD under a contract to resell the grownup trees to OP Company - The position of the company was that of a prospective purchaser as the farmers agreed to resell their trees to the company..........
Consumer Protection Act, 1986, Section 15 -- Appeal maintainability - On behalf of Corporation - Appeal filed through 'S' Assistant Manager of National Insurance Company, who was not party in the complaint before the District Forum - No authority letter or power of attorney was produced/annexed by the appellant with the appeal to prove/show that said 'S' was competent to..........
Consumer Protection Act, 1986, Section 2(1)(g), Insurance Act, 1938, Section 64UM(2)&(3) -- Insurance policy - Exclusion clause - Surveyor's report - The report of the Surveyor generally should be given due weightage - Since Surveyor took no note of the specific exclusion of damages to the insured stock of steel bearings due to `rusting, oxidation and discolouration of the..........
Consumer Protection Act, 1986, Section 13(3 -- B) - Ad interim order - For restoration of electric connection - Order passed on the day of admission of the complaint itself when there was only order for SR and the OPs were neither present nor available and were not heard either prior to the consideration and issue of the impugned order - Impugned order held not sustainable..........
Consumer Protection Act, 1986, Section 2(1)(g), Electricity Act, 2003, Section 126 -- Electricity disconnection - Interim order by State Commission for restoration of connection - Remedy of appeal before the appropriate authority under the Electricity Act available - Impugned order being violative of the statute as under the Electricity Act read with WBERC Regulation, 2007..........
Consumer Protection Act, 1986, Section 2(1)(g) -- Post Office Guide (Part I), Rules 253,254 - Postal Service - Indian Postal Order - Repayment of value - Claim by purchaser - Case of the respondent - complainant that IPO purchased by him on 5.4.1999 had been taken by a person from him by misrepresentation - Stop payment request made on 15.4.1999 by the respondent -..........
Consumer Protection Act, 1986, Section 2(1)(s) -- Shares - Transfer of shares - Service - Since the shares belongs to the petitioner - company, even if they be floating in the open market, the right of a purchaser would accrue only after the endorsement of its transfer to the purchaser by the company by dealing the name of the erstwhile buyer - The same would amount to..........
Consumer Protection Act, 1986, Section 24A -- Shares - Transfer of shares - Limitation - Several letters written by the respondent complainant requesting transfer of shares for which initial request was made during September, 1997 - Last letter was written on 4th of March, 2000 - The complaint filed in the year 2000 itself held to be within time as the grievance was..........