Consumer Protection Act, 1986, Section 2(1),(d) -- Consumer - Subrogation of right - Insurance company settled claim of consignor for short delivery of consignment - Letter of subrogation executed by consignor in favour of insurance company - Complaint filed by Insurance company claiming compensation from carrier and consignor also joined as complainant - Held that..........
Consumer Protection Act, 1986, Section 2(1),(d) -- Consumer - Commercial purpose - Both the complainant as well as the respondent who is consignor of the goods are Public Limited Companies manufacturing and dealing in pharmaceutical - The consignment of pharmaceutical goods was consigned for delivery at Lagos through respondents - The services available and rendered were..........
Consumer Protection Act, 1986, Section 14(1),(d) -- Compensation - The complainant is required to prove the actual loss suffered by him for which the compensation has been claimed...........
Consumer Protection Act, 1986, Section 3, Tamil Nadu Co-operative Societies Act, 1983, Section 90,156 -- Additional remedy - Bar of jurisdiction of civil court - Dispute between member and management of the co-operative society - Merely because the rights and liabilities are created between the members and the management of the appellant-society under the Co-operative..........
Consumer Protection Act, 1986, Section 14(1),(d) -- Compensation - Interest - Where interest has been given, compensation is not necessary and should not be given...........
Consumer Protection Act, 1986, Section 2(1),(g),14(1),(d) -- Maturity amount - Non payment of - Compensation - District Forum holding deficiency in service and directing OP to pay the maturity amount - No compensation awarded - Held that the keeping in view the maturity amount of Rs. 31,700/- Rs. 3,000/- would be just and fair compensation for deficiency in service...........
Consumer Protection Act, 1986, Section 2(1),(e) -- Housing - Consumer dispute - Outright purchase at an auction sale - Sale deed, lease deed, brochure agreement did not show any civil amenities but the purchasers are entitled that - There was no arrangement of hiring of service for consideration between the parties - Not a consumer dispute - At the most it can be a case of..........
UTI -- Maturity amount of Units of GMIS 92 scheme - Cheque sent by UTI encashed fraudulently by some one - Held that the respondent-original complainant cannot be made to suffer on the lapses on the part of erring parties-UTI or Post office or Bank - Whether the cheque are lost during transit or they are encashed fraudulently by the Bank in collusion with some person, it..........
Housing -- Complicated issues - Contract for flat and garage - Dispute regarding validity and legality of contract and also liability of Company for the acts of the Project Manager - Held that these issues cannot adequately and appropriately be gone into and considered in the summary jurisdiction given to the Consumer Disputes Redressal Agencies - It is the Civil Court of..........
Consumer Protection Act, 1986, Section 14,17 -- Complicated questions of fact - Complaint alleging deficiency in service on the part of OP in as much as that without any sufficient cause it took possession of the Hydraulic Excavator from him purchased under a hire purchase agreement - Complainant alleging that the documents filed by OP in its defence are forged documents..........