Civil Procedure Code, 1908, Section 44A -- Execution - Foreign decree - Once pecuniary jurisdiction of Court exceed Rs.20 lakhs as notified by High Court u/s 5(2) of Delhi High Court Act, jurisdiction vests exclusively with the High Court as an ordinary original civil jurisdiction for execution a foreign decree u/s 44-A CPC subject to just objections which are available to..........
Civil Procedure Code, 1908, Section 11 -- Res judicata - Partition suit - Ancestral/joint family properties were partitioned in 1964 and acted upon accordingly - Fresh suit for partition and separate possession of suit properties not at all maintainable being barred by principles of res judicata...........
Civil Procedure Code, 1908, Order 22, Rule 3 -- Abatement of appeal - Non-substitution of LRs of plaintiff - Eviction suit - Not arraying/substituting all LRs of plaintiff would not lead to abatement of appeal as a whole, particularly where each of plaintiffs have an independent severable right to claim eviction of defendants...........
Civil Procedure Code, 1908, Order 22, Rule 4 -- Abatement of appeal - Non-substitution of LRs of defendant no.2 - Eviction suit - No relief sought against defendant no.2 in suit and defendant no.2 also did not file any counter claim - Further claim made by defendant no.2 has been negated by all Courts including Supreme Court - Failure to implead LRs of defendant no.2..........
Civil Procedure Code, 1908, Order 39, Rule 1, 2 -- Co-owners - Injunction - Law is not rigid that in no case injunction can be granted against co-owner - Injunction can be granted at the instance of one co-owner against another co-owner : (a) If one co-owner prevents the other from enjoying the common property, the affected co-owner can certainly approach the Court for..........
Civil Procedure Code, 1908, Order 39, Rule 1, 2 -- Temporary injunction - Transfer of property pending suit - S.52 of Transfer of Property Act, does not operate as bar to grant of temporary injunction U.O.39.Rr.1, 2 CPC in discretion of trial Court, on fulfillment of pre-conditions for grant of temporary injunction...........
Civil Procedure Code, 1908, Order 39, Rule 1, 2 -- Temporary injunction - Transfer of property pending suit - Defendant no.1 during pendency of suit transferred suit property in favour of defendant nos 2 and 3 and those defendants in turn transferred part of suit property in favour of third persons - Defendants invoking jurisdiction of Court are therefore responsible for..........
Indian Penal Code, 1860, Section 420, 406, 34, Criminal Procedure Code, 1973, Section 482 -- Selling property at a inflated price - Dispute is purely of civil nature - Proceedings quashed...........
Civil Procedure Code, 1908, Section 100 -- Second appeal - Procuring a document by undue influence - Question as to whether a person was in a position to dominate the will of the other and procure a certain deed by undue influence is a question of fact and if such finding is arrived at fairly in accordance with procedure prescribed, is not liable to be reopened in second..........
Civil Procedure Code, 1908, Section 100 -- Second appeal - Suit for declaration of ownership on basis of gift deed - Origin of gift deed was disputed by executant during her lifetime - Lower Courts thus, were right in weighing evidence of gift deed on the touchstone of its validity first rather than its form and content - Plea as to invalidity of gift deed is not to be..........