Service -- Compassionate appointment - Appointment on compassionate grounds is not automatic, but subject to strict scrutiny of various parameters including financial position of family, economic dependence of family upon deceased employee and avocation of other members of family - Therefore, no one can claim to have a vested right for appointment on compassionate..........
Service -- Compassionate appointment - Claimed by unmarried brother of deceased - Employee died on 8.12.2010 - Claim of respondent is based on amended Rules, 2012 which extends benefit of compassionate appointment to unmarried dependent brother of unmarried female employee - However, amendment to the Rules, 2012 was proposed by way of draft notification on 20.6.2012 and..........
Service -- Compassionate appointment - Interpretation as to applicability of a modified scheme should depend only upon a determinate and fixed criteria such as the date of death and not an indeterminate and variable factor...........
Service -- Compassionate appointment - Monthly pension which was payable to respondent is to be taken into account in award of merit points while considering cases for compassionate appointment...........
Service -- Compassionate appointment - Not a matter of right, but is to enable the family to tide over an immediate crisis which may result from death of employee...........
Service -- Compassionate appointment - In evaluating a claim for compassionate appointment, it is open to authorities to evaluate financial position of family upon the death while in service...........
Service -- Compassionate appointment - Application for compassionate appointment of respondent initially rejected in 2011 and was thereafter again reconsidered in 2014 - Absent a case of palpable arbitrariness, there was no reason for High Court or Tribunal to interfere with evaluation conducted by authorities in terms of applicable guidelines - Moreover, grant of..........
Service -- Compassionate appointment - Pay scale - Once a person is appointed on a particular post, may be on compassionate ground, that person is entitled to pay scale of same post...........
Service -- Compassionate appointment - Pay scale - There cannot be two different pay scales for employee appointed on compassionate ground and employee appointed on regular basis...........
Service -- Compassionate appointment - Death of employee - For appointment on compassionate ground, policy prevalent at the time of death of deceased employee only is required to be considered and not subsequent policy...........