Limitation Act, 1963, Section 5 -- Condonation of delay - Ex parte decree passed by Debt Recovery Tribunal - Proceedings against guarantor - Applicant though served with summons but misconstrued the same being in connection with the personal loan advanced to her by Bank - Only after notice of Recovery Certificate was published that applicant made enquiries and moved the..........
Limitation Act, 1963, Section 5 -- Condonation of delay - In absence of any evidence to show that petitioner received summons issued by Political Assistant and was aware of existence of judgment and order, it has to be accepted that petitioner came to know of institution of case and existence of judgment and order only when authorities of BSNL informed petitioner regarding..........
Limitation Act, 1963, Section 5, 29(2), Assam Value Added Tax Act, 2003, Section 81, 84 -- Revision petition filed in High Court u/s 81 of the Act - Condonation of delay - Provision of S.5 of the Act is not applicable to proceedings u/s 81 of 2003 Act by virtue of language employed in S.84 of 2003 Act...........
Limitation Act, 1963, Section 5, Recovery of Debts Due to Banks and Financial Institutions Act, 1993, Section 19 -- Condonation of delay - Counter claim - Barred by limitation cannot be entertained by condonation of delay - However, finding that counter-claim placed 3 years after filing of original application would ipso facto be barred by limitation is ex-facie..........
Civil Procedure Code, 1908, Order 9, Rule 4, Limitation Act, 1963, Section 5 -- Restoration and delay condonation application - Both the applications can be heard simultaneously but restoration application cannot be allowed without delay being condoned...........
Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881, Section 142(b), Limitation Act, 1963, Section 5 -- Dishonour of cheque - Condonation of delay - S.142(b) is pari materia to S.5 Limitation Act - Sufficient cause to be construed liberally...........
Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881, Section 138, Limitation Act, 1963, Section 5 -- Dishonour of cheque - Condonation of delay - Trial Court condoned delay of 61 days after recording its satisfaction about sufficient cause - Order calls for no interference...........
Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881, Section 138, 142, Limitation Act, 1963, Section 5 -- Dishonour of cheque - Condonation of delay - Delay of 61 days in filing of complaint - Legislature in its wisdom has conferred discretion on Magistrate to condone delay after recording its satisfaction about sufficient cause for not making complaint within prescribed period of limitation..........
Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002, Section 42 -- Appeal before High Court against order of appellate Tribunal - Limitation - Condonation of delay - Period of limitation is 60 days which can be extended further to 60 days - Court has no power to condone delay beyond maximum permissible period of 120 days...........
Civil Procedure Code, 1908, Order 9, Rule 4, Limitation Act, 1963, Section 5 -- Delay condonation and restoration application - Can be decided simultaneously - However, in the event of an order being passed on delay condonation and restoration application, main matter on merits should not be decided on the same date so as to enable the party aggrieved to challenge the..........