Consumer Protection Act, 1986, Section 2(1)(g), Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (Protection of Policyholders Interest) (Amendment) Regulations, 2002 -- Regulation 2 to 4 - Regulation 2 to 4 - Regulation 2 to 4 - Insurance policy - Non supply of - Insurance policy containing the terms and conditions were never supplied - Non compliance of provisions of..........
Consumer Protection Act, 1986, Section 2(1),(g),(r),14(h),(b) -- Damages - Deficiency in service - Unfair trade practice - Credit Card - Credit card insurance benefit - Denial of - Accidental insurance benefit provided on credit card - In addition to National Insurance Company there is mention of association of HSBC with TATA AIG Insurance as well - To the consumer card..........
Insurance claim -- Repudiation - Risk covering burglary - Complainant to prove the forcible entry into the premises or loss was proceeded by violent action - Lack of evidence regarding forcibly entry or exit in the premises for stealing the construction material - Repudiation of claim justified...........
Consumer Protection Act, 1986, Section 2(1),(g),14(1),(hb) -- Insurance claim - Deficiency in service - Damages - OP has admitted glaring deficiency in their services by stating that they are not keeping any record of the incoming letters of faxes etc - Which shows that the claims/cases of the consumers are being taken on record or thrown off the record at the whims and..........
Insurance claim -- It is the market value on the date of the accident or the insured amount, whichever is less can only be awarded to the insured...........
Consumer Protection Act, 1986, Section 2(1),(g), Insurance Act, 1938, Section 64UM -- Insurance claim - Surveyor - Appointment of second Surveyor - Second Surveyor could be appointed except with the prior orders of Controller/ Authority - If any second Surveyor is appointed without there being any direction of Controller/Authority, the report of second Surveyor cannot be..........
Insurance claim -- Surveyor's report - For rejecting the report of the first Surveyor specific reasons must be given...........
Insurance claim -- Repudiation - Suppression of material fact - Treatment of the deceased in Mental Hospital for epilepsy - There was suppression of material fact and wrong declaration was given - In ordinary medical examination it could not be revealed unless the epilepsy fit occurred and was detected in the presence of the doctor or otherwise informed about the epilepsy..........
Insurance policy -- Medi-claim scheme - Renewal - Delay and latches - Claim denied treating the policy as fresh policy as claim made during first 12 months not payable - Earlier policy expired on 31.10.1998 - Complainant filed proposal form on 20.10.1998 and forwarded the same to insurer for renewal - OPs. 2 and 3 (Banks) working as agent of insurer with respect to..........
Insurance claim -- Repudiation - The Insurance Company can repudiate the claim of the insured in case where there is a breach of the policy condition/conditions; and the breach is fundamental or material so as to vitiate the insurance contract...........