Civil Procedure Code, 1908, Section 100 -- Second appeal - Suit for declaration of title and possession - Property was recorded in the name of two brothers and one brother sold his part of property to plaintiff - Defendants based on sale deeds executed by other brother to them dispossessed plaintiffs - Even, defendants are not certain as to which part of suit property was..........
Criminal Procedure Code, 1973, Section 125 -- Maintenance to wife and minor son - Husband owns three acres of land - He has moral obligation to maintain minor son and wife - Wife is entitled to lead her life as per status of her husband - Maintenance granted to the tune of Rs.6000 to wife and her minor child is proper...........
Suit for Specific Performance -- Liability to pay compensation - - Defendant No.7 has purchased one acre of land under registered sale deed - First defendant has alienated one acre of land in favour of defendant No.7 after expiry of the period stipulated vide agreement - Defendant No.7 has stated that he would not have purchased this property if he had known that there..........
Suit for Specific Performance -- Liability to pay compensation - - Defendant No.7 has purchased one acre of land under registered sale deed - First defendant has alienated one acre of land in favour of defendant No.7 after expiry of the period stipulated vide agreement - Defendant No.7 has stated that he would not have purchased this property if he had known that there..........
Civil Procedure Code, 1908, Section 151, Order 1, Rule 10 -- Impleadment of a party - Allotment of plot - Petitioner is residing nearby areas which is sought to be allotted to plaintiff - There is road between the house of petitioner and the plot in question - Therefore, there is no question of any obstruction of ventilation and light in the house of petitioner - Moreover,..........
Agreement to sell -- Specific performance - Grant of alternative relief of refund of earnest money whereas alternative relief claimed was refund of earnest money and damages - Total sale consideration was Rs.5825/- and plaintiff had paid total sum of Rs.4945/- - Merely refunding the earnest money paid after 60 years will be unreasonable, as plaintiff after booking the..........
Gujarat Prevention of Fragmentation and Consolidation of Holdings Act, 1947, Section 31(1)(b) -- Sale deed - Breach of provision of S.31(1)(b) of the Act - Proper hearing on merits was not given to appellant/purchaser before holding against him - Various issues arise in the case which would require verification and adjudication upon evaluation of evidence - Parties would..........
Civil Procedure Code, 1908, Section 100 -- Second appeal - Suit for permanent prohibitory injunction - Encroachment - Plaintiff had come with a specific case that defendant had encroached upon his land - Repeated directions were issued to plaintiff and matter was adjourned to enable plaintiff to produce relevant record before Local Commissioner - When plaintiff failed to..........
Civil Procedure Code, 1908, Section 100 -- Second appeal - Suit for permanent injunction - Concurrent findings of fact that plaintiff was allotted the suit land vide sale certificate which was duly proved by PW3 - Failure of defendants to produce any sale certificate in their favour as set up by them in written statement besides even proving their possession over suit..........
Evidence Act, 1872, Section 32 -- Dying declaration - Non examination of scribe - If scribe, for reasons beyond control, such as incapacitation or death, would be unavailable, it would be open for the prosecution to take necessary aid of secondary evidence - Unexplained non-examination would render the case to be doubtful if not, land a fatal blow to the prosecution case...........