East Punjab Urban Rent Restriction Act, 1949, Section 13B, 18A -- Eviction petition - NRI landlord - Leave to defend - Landlord needed premises for proposed business - Status of landlord as NRI is not in dispute - Contention of tenant is that space available for landlord would be adequate for purposed business and there is no need to seek eviction of tenants from their..........
Civil Procedure Code, 1908, Order 21, Rule 97 -- Execution - Restoration of application U.O.21.R.97 CPC dismissed in default - Application filed on the pretext that counsel was ailing - No evidence, as such, placed on record in support of their contention - It cannot be ruled out that recourse to application U.O.21.R.97 CPC was adopted to install execution proceedings..........
Service -- Voluntary retirement - Once it is held that employee is voluntary retired as per his application and rejection of application for voluntary retirement is bad in law, all other subsequent proceedings of departmental enquiry will be null and void and shall be non est, as after voluntary retirement, there shall not be an employer-employee relationship...........
Goa, Daman and Diu Building (Lease, Rent and Eviction) Control Act, 1968, Section 22(2)(a), (f), 23(1)(b) -- Eviction petition - Cease to occupy - Shop let out to tenant used as godown was all time occupied by him had to be discharged by tenant and on failure to discharge the same, landlord was held entitled for eviction - Availability of reasonable cause for ceasing to..........
Civil Procedure Code, 1908, Order 14, Rule 1, 2 -- Framing of an issue - Question of title - No question of title framed by trial Court - Mere assertion that plaintiff is owner/landlord of suit property is not sufficient to deal with title of property...........
Protection to life and liberty -- Live-in-relationship - Petitioner No.1 already married and a petition for divorce is filed but divorce is not granted so far - Petition dismissed as no ground is made out to allow the prayer made in the petition...........
Protection to life and liberty -- Married lady entering into relationship without dissolution of marriage - Threat to life and liberty - Manner and mode of alleged threat not mentioned - It is unholy alliance - Petition is based on bald assertions without any supportive material - Petition filed without valid and convincing cause of action and same dismissed with costs of..........
Indian Penal Code, 1860, Section 376(2)(n), Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012, Section 5, 6 -- Rape - Love relationship between parties - Prosecutrix was just three months short of attaining age of majority - She has not stated before police incidents of sexual relations between them at his sister's place - Offence of rape came to be added on basis of..........
Criminal Procedure Code, 1973, Section 125 -- Maintenance to wife - Living in adultery - Husband maintaining some doubts about relationship of wife and one `P' - True that husband has only spoken about some instances of meeting together of the parties, but that evidence is highly insufficient to hold that wife is living in adultery with `P'...........
Uttar Pradesh Urban Buildings (Regulation of Letting to Rent and Eviction) Act, 1972, Section 21(1)(a) -- Eviction petition - Bonafide requirement - Condition of tenement in question, even though if it is in a dilapidated condition, it is no more choice of tenant to decide, as to in what manner landlord, would get it renovated or make it habitable to meet his bonafide..........