Criminal Procedure Code, 1973, Section 167(2), Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985, Section 22, 25, 36A(4) -- Default bail - Extension of time sought 20 minutes after filing of application for default bail - Order granting extension of time was quashed - No valid reason for denying valuable right for grant of `default bail' - Default bail allowed...........
Civil Procedure Code, 1908, Section 151, Order 39, Rule 1, 2 -- Temporary injunction - Proceedings before trial Court are at fag end and plaintiff has already concluded her entire evidence while defence evidence is midstream - Defendants in main suit have already availed 10 opportunities and are also in the process of completion of their evidence - Even, proceedings under..........
Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881, Section 138, Criminal Procedure Code, 1973, Section 389 -- Dishonour of cheque - Conviction - Suspension of sentence with condition to deposit 20% of amount as compensation - Where a conditional order of suspension of sentence has been passed by appellate Court, on non-fulfillment of condition, suspension order can be vacated - Impugned..........
Civil Procedure Code, 1908, Section 114, Order 47, Rule 1 -- Review - Provision of review is not to scrutinize correctness of decision rendered rather to correct error, if any, which is visible on the face of order/record without going into as to whether there is possibility of another opinion different from one expressed...........
Civil Procedure Code, 1908, Order 6, Rule 17 -- Amendment of plaint sought at the stage when arguments were heard in part - Amendment declined merely on the ground of delay - Court below should have adjudicated the amendment keeping in view the fact as to whether amendment is necessary to decide real question in controversy and also whether proposed amendment if allowed..........
Criminal Procedure Code, 1973, Section 446(3) -- Forfeiture of bail bond - Order of recovery of Rs.1 lakh from surety - Appellant is poor farmer of remote village - Nothing on record to show that appellant has not made sincere endevaours to trace and produce accused before Court - It would be onerous for appellant to deposit entire amount of Rs.1 lakh which if not paid his..........
Civil Procedure Code, 1908, Order 7, Rule 11 -- Rejection of plaint - Territorial jurisdiction of Commercial Court - Pleadings are on record regarding existence of cause of action within territorial jurisdiction of Commercial Court - Court below did not deal with averments in specific and also failed to see documents filed with suit - Order of rejection of plaint set..........
Civil Procedure Code, 1908, Order 41, Rule 23, 23A, 25 -- Remand - Where evidence is already adduced and a decision can be rendered on appreciation of such evidence, order of remand should not be passed remitting matter to trial Court, even if lower Court has omitted to frame issue and has failed to determine any question of fact which in opinion of appellate Court is..........
Civil Procedure Code, 1908, Order 21, Rule 26 -- Stay of execution proceedings - Rent control appeal is pending at the stage for condonation of delay for more than two years - There is no stay by Appellate or Revisional Forum - Since order of delivery of property was passed nine months ago and landlord is not able to get delivery of property, question of granting stay of..........
Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881, Section 138, Indian Penal Code, 1860, Section 174A, Criminal Procedure Code, 1973, Section 82 -- Dishonour of cheque - Proclaimed offender - Order declaring accused as proclaimed offender not passed in compliance of S.82(1) Cr.P.C. - Impugned order set aside - FIR u/s 174-A IPC quashed...........