Service -- Annual Confidential Report - Uncommunicated adverse Annual Confidential Reports cannot be relied upon for the purpose of consideration of promotion...........
Service -- Promotion - Selection process - Incumbents in case of promotion are entitled to stake a claim for vacancies available prior to amendment to be filled up as per u, amended rules, which is based on principle of legitimate expectation...........
Service -- Armed service - Promotion policy - It is authority of employer to frame promotion policy for promotion of its officers and employees - When an employer has power to frame policy it has inherent power to change policy from time to time - Any stipulation in policy that policy will be reviewed after 5 years was in no manner a fetter on right of Government to review..........
Service -- Armed service - Promotion - Rank of Brigadier - Non-granting of marks for Ph.D degree in consideration for promotion - Amended promotion policy as applicable to case of appellant restricted the eligibility to Ph.D recognized by Medical Council of India (MCI) - No exception can be taken to amendment by which only those Ph.D degrees are eligible for one mark which..........
Service -- Armed service - Promotion to the rank of Brigadier - Consideration - Claim of allocation of marks on the basis of post Graduate training programme - Two year full time training programme to be eligible for award of one mark required to fulfill essential conditions - Certificate issued in said regard does not indicate that appellant completed full time structure..........
Service -- Ad hoc promotion - Regularisation of promotions in excess of eligible quota impermissible - When a final seniority list is to be drawn up, a call has to be taken as to the fate of the ad hoc promotions - Having regard to the decades of service they shall not be reverted in the process of implementation of the judgment - Incumbents who have already retired from..........
Service -- Armed service - Promotion - Post of Colonel - General Court martial proceedings held against respondent - However, Central Government vide its order annulled Court martial proceedings with all `consequential benefits' - Such benefits would therefore, be those which are easily quantifiable i.e in the nature of loss of salary, emoluments and other benefits - But..........
Service -- Armed service - Selection process - Promotion - Post of Colonel - Entry of reprimand - Action on part of Selection Board in relying upon entry of reprimand was consistent with Selection policy and could not be characterized as incorrect or illegal in any manner - That was not the only pointer which weighed with Selection Board - Even eschewing such entry,..........
Service -- Benefit of past services - Bifurcation of State of U.P - Merely by act of bifurcation of State, incumbents not to lose their services for purpose of pensionary and other benefits - Services rendered in State of U.P could not be wiped off for the purposes of grant of selection grade, promotion scale, post retrial benefits including pension etc., as is done by..........
Service -- Promotion - Post of professor - Eligibility criteria - Qualification of Ph.D for appointment/promotion as professor in a medical college as per Clauses of UGC Regulations - Not applicable to teachers working in faculty of medicine, as they would be governed by Regulations of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Government of India - Finding of High Court..........