Will -- Suspicious circumstances - Exclusion of natural heir - Will in question was proved by its scribe and attesting witnesses - No medical record produced to reach a conclusion that testator was not in sound mental and physical health when Will was executed - Defendants are not strangers but nephew of testator - Merely because defendants have been given suit property..........
Civil Procedure Code, 1908, Section 16, Order 7, Rule 10 -- Return of plaint - Lack of territorial jurisdiction - Suit property was situated outside the territorial jurisdiction of trial Court over which plaintiffs have claimed their right to carry construction - Trial Court was justified in holding that Court lacks territorial jurisdiction to entertain suit - Plaint..........
Civil Procedure Code, 1908, Section 100 -- Second appeal - Suit for declaration of title - Defendants admitted the ownership of plaintiff upon suit property - Plaintiff has not laid any claim over land which is owned and possessed by defendants - Suit rightly decreed in favour of plaintiff - Second appeal dismissed...........
Civil Procedure Code, 1908, Order 26, Rule 9 -- Appointment of Local Commissioner - Demarcation of property - Suit for possession and mandatory injunction - Prima facie there does not appear to be any dispute regarding demarcation of land, as suit simpliciter is for possession and mandatory injunction - It is for plaintiff to prove his case and she cannot take the aid of..........
Specific Relief Act, 1963, Section 38 -- Suit for permanent injunction - Plaintiff successfully established his possession and enjoyment of suit property - However, not even a single document has been filed or exhibited on the side of defendant - Mere admission of PW1 that suit property was allotted to defendant No.4 under a oral partition, cannot be sole criteria to..........
Maintenance and welfare of Parent and Senior Citizens Act, 2007, Section 23 -- Property of senior citizen - Eviction of son - Mother is owner of suit property - She is an old person having no source of income and is mentally and physically weak - Petitioners have misbehaved with mother and did not provide her with basic needs - Mother is not residing in the suit property -..........
Civil Procedure Code, 1908, Order 39, Rule 1, 2 -- Temporary injunction - Co-sharers - Plaintiffs and defendants are joint owners in possession over suit property and nobody has been shown to be in exclusive possession over suit land - Possession of one co-sharer is possession of all in the eyes of law - So even, if defendants raise construction over some portion, it will..........
Civil Procedure Code, 1908, Order 1, Rule 10 -- Impleadment of subsequent purchaser - Petitioner purchased the property just prior to passing of judgment and decree of suit - He is thus, a purchaser pendente lite - Since petitioner has been able to show his substantial interest in the adjudication of the matter and he is going to be directly affected by any decision of..........
Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act, 1956, Section 8 -- Minors property - Permission of Court to sell - Prior permission of Court for disposing of undivided interest of minor in the joint family property is not required...........
Civil Procedure Code, 1908, Order 7, Rule 11 -- Rejection of plaint - Lack of jurisdiction - Commercial dispute - Defendants have not produced any document to show that there is any relationship between parties with regard to any business and defendants are using the property exclusively in Trade or Commerce - Plaintiffs on the other hand established that defendant is..........