Punjab Municipal Corporation Act, 1976, Section 93 -- Assessment of house-tax in respect of self-occupied portion of property - Gross annual rental value has to be determined by taking reasonable letting value as its basis to be determined in accordance with provisions of Rent Restriction Act - Existence of Proviso in Section 93 in no way detracts from principles laid down..........
Punjab Tenancy Act, 1887, Section 8 -- Determination whether tenant acquired occupancy rights under Section 8 - Propositions of law laid down in Muni Ram's case 1974 PLJ 369 - For applicability of proposition (4) in the first instance a person claiming occupancy rights to prove circumstances from which inference can be drawn that implied promise not to eject from land for..........
Adverse possession -- Adverse possession by co-sharer - To oust co-sharer there must be evidence of ouster as such - Failure to prove ouster except that co-sharer absent and not realising any rent etc. - No adverse possession...........
Punjab Public Premises and Land (Eviction and Rent) Recovery Act, 1973, Section 10, 9 - - Revision before Financial Commissioner against order of Commissioner passed under Section 9 - Not main tainable...........
Punjab Tenancy Act, 1887, Section 8 -- Lease from generation to generation and lessee not liable to be ejected unless defaults in making payment of rent - Evident that it was conduct of lessee which could render him liable to be ejected otherwise lessor had no right to eject - Becomes occupancy tenant under Section 8...........
Adverse possession -- Entries in revenue records of gair marusi i. e. tenant without payment of rent - Joginder Pal's case 1983 P. L. J. 41 decided on peculiar facts of that case and not as a broad proposition of law (that mere no, payment of rent as per entries in revenue record not sufficient that possession was adverse) applicable as general rule in all cases - Entries..........
Punjab Land Revenue Act, 1887, Section 36, 37, 44, 33(2)(=S, 37, 38, 45, 34(2) - - Earlier entries in Jamabandi show grand-father of applicants as no, occupancy tenant and in column of rent 'Bashehra Malkan Bila Malkana' - Subsequent entry in Jamabandi changed and father of applicants shown as 'Kabiz' and rent column blank - Jamabandi entries ordered to be changed by Sub..........
Punjab Security of Land Tenures Act, 1953, Section s, 9(1)(ii), 14A(i) -- Ejectment on ground of no, payment of rent without sufficient cause - Necessary for Revenue Officer to record a clear finding on sufficient cause - Revenue Officer must record : either (a) that tenant not raised any plea of sufficient cause, or (b) that plea of sufficient cause raised by tenant not..........
Punjab Security of Land Tenures Act, 1953, Section s, 9(1)(ii), 14A(i) -- Sufficient cause for failure to pay rent regularly - Landowners not accepting possession and status of defendants as tenants on the land in dispute during pendency of civil litigation between the parties - Nonpayment of rent till dispute pending in Civil Court gives sufficient cause to tenants -..........
Punjab Security of Land Tenures Act, 1953, Section 14, 9(1)(ii) - - Ejectment on the ground that tenant failed to pay rent regularly without sufficient cause - Landowners merely stated words of Form 'L' and did not give particulars and details as to for which crown or crops rent not paid or how there was delay in payment - Assistant Collector to reject ejectment..........