Hindu Widow's Re-marriage Act, 1856, Section 2, Hindu Succession Act, 1956, Section 14 -- Remarriage of widow - Succession of property of deceased husband - Widow after her remarriage divested of any right, interest and title in property of her deceased husband in view of S.2 of 1856 Act - Since widow had no subsisting interest or estate in the property of her husband,..........
Hindu Widow's Re-marriage Act, 1856, Section 2, Hindu Succession Act, 1956, Section 14 -- Remarriage of widow - Succession of property of deceased husband - Widow remarried within three years from the date of death of her husband and their daughters were also married - No documentary evidence of widow's long continued possession much less possession under any semblance of..........
Mysore Hindu Law Women's Rights Act, 1993, Section 4, Hindu Succession Act, 1956, Section 6 -- Partition - Female`s right to share - Succession to Hindu male dying intestate will vest only in widow u/s.4(1)(ii) of the Act to exclusion of daughters...........
Customary Law of Succession -- Right of daughter - Uraon Tribe - Leans towards patrilineal succession - Daughters are not entitled to inherit property of her father, but in case of `Ghar Jinha' daughter, who after marriage is residing in her father's house with husband, is entitled to succeed to property of her father - Instantly, since daughter was married after 3-4 years..........
Hindu Law -- Ancestral property - Alienation by last coparcener - Validity - Hindu male having four daughters and had no male issue - He after marrying his daughters, was living with one of his daughter `G' - Hindu male devolved suit land to his daughter `G' before amendment of S.6 of Hindu Succession Act - He being last coparcener, was competent to alienate the same and..........
Hindu Succession Act, 1956, Section 14 -- Right of maintenance - Owner died prior to 1956 Act - By virtue of S.14, wife has no absolute right to get maintenance out of proceeds of suit property - Impugned order passed by Appellate Court set aside - Suit rightly dismissed by trial Court...........
Himachal Pradesh Urban Rent Control Act, 1987, Section 14(2) -- Eviction - Demised premises commercial in nature - Right of succession is governed by Succession Act and not by S.2(j) of H.P. Urban Rent Control Act...........
Mohammadan Law/Mohammedan Law -- Inheritance - Apostasy - Muslim husband renounces Islam and converted himself into Hinduism - Children from his Muslim wife cannot inherit his property as they cannot be heir of a disbeliever - They being not legal heirs of Muslim husband shall not be entitled to succession certificate...........
Hindu Succession Act, 1956, Section 6(as - - Eldest female co-parcener of HUF - Karta - S.6 of Act gives equal rights of inheritance to Hindu males and females - Eldest female co-parcener is thus entitled to be a karta of HUF - Father's right in HUF did not dissipate but was inherited by eldest female, nor did her marriage alter the right to inherit the coparcenary to..........
Succession Act, 1925, Section 387 -- Succession certificate - Application for grant of succession certificate - Held, that findings recorded by Court in proceedings for grant of succession certificate under the provisions of 1925 Act will not preclude either of the parties to take recourse of remedy before appropriate forum for declaration of their legal status which they..........