Civil Procedure Code, 1908, Order 14, Rule 2(2) -- Preliminary issue - Issue of Court fee - Cannot be decided as preliminary issue in the absence of finding that valuation of suit has been done in such manner that valuation of suit would take it out of pecuniary jurisdiction of Court...........
Civil Procedure Code, 1908, Section 47 -- Execution - Decree for mandatory injunction - Execution of decree cannot be stayed during pendency of suit to set aside ex parte decree - So long as decree holds ground, the same may be executed...........
Civil Procedure Code, 1908, Section 9 -- Jurisdiction of civil Court - Orders passed by authorities under Haryana Ceiling on Land Holdings Act, declaring land to be surplus is without issuing notice to plaintiffs, who became owner in 1974 - Said order was wholly perverse and against principal of natural justice - In such circumstances, jurisdiction of civil Court is not..........
Civil Procedure Code, 1908, Order 23, Rule 1(3) -- Withdrawal of suit with liberty to file afresh - Formal defect - Suit for declaration and permanent injunction - Plaintiffs claiming themselves to be trustees of temple - They also claiming right to manage temple - Earlier proceedings initiated with third parties were not mentioned in plaint, as those documents were not..........
Succession Act, 1925, Section 387 -- Proceedings for grant of succession certificate - Summary in nature and would not be final and binding between parties in a regular suit - Such findings are only for the purpose of deciding small controversy between parties i.e grant of succession certificate - Decision of Court under part X of Succession Act under which succession..........
Civil Procedure Code, 1908, Section 151, Order 6, Rule 17 -- Amendment of plaint - Amendment sought on the ground of an event which happened before filing of suit, cannot by any stretch of imagination be termed as due diligence, particularly when trial of case has commenced - Amendment rejected...........
Agreement to sell -- Specific performance - Readiness and willingness - Financial capacity of plaintiff - Not a single document filed by plaintiff to prove his financial capacity to pay balance sale consideration of Rs.40,40,000 - A self serving averment of financial capacity cannot be held to be discharge of onus of proof of readiness and willingness - Once plaintiff..........
Court Fees Act, 1870, Section 7(iv)(c) -- Ad valorem Court fee - Suit for cancellation of sale deed and declaration - Plaintiffs were executants of sale deed and were party to said sale deed - They are thus, bound to pay ad valorem Court fee u/s 7(iv)(c) of the Act...........
Civil Procedure Code, 1908, Order 32, Rule 3 -- Suit for partition - Preliminary decree affirmed by Apex Court - Plea of minority - Appellant was already on record as legal heir of M and was represented by a counsel - Claim of appellant, who admittedly turned major at the time of passing of decree, was considered by Apex Court on merits also and her plea in opposition to..........
Hindu Law -- Joint family property - No proof of joint tenancy or family business or any other tharwad property to indicate that suit property is part of joint Hindu family - Rather recitals in sale deed point out that assignees had independent income from different avocations and they pooled their money to buy a single plot of land instead of three different properties -..........