Transfer of Property Act, 1882, Section 107, 111 -- Unregistered lease deed for a period of three years - Stipulation of 20% increase of rent after every three years - Contention of tenant that he had right to continue as tenant once the rent was increased by 20% - Held, contention not tenable as lease document was an unregistered lease deed which cannot create a lease for..........
Registration Act, 1908, Section 17, 49, Transfer of Property Act, 1882, Section 54 -- Sale of immovable property of value less than Rs.1, 00/- - Not required to be registered - Sale of such a property is complete as soon as delivery of possession is proved either on the basis of an unregistered instrument of sale or otherwise - Where delivery of possession is established,..........
Evidence Act, 1872, Section 91 -- Unregistered deed of immovable property - No recital therein that it was record of family arrangement already acted upon in past - Held, such document is inadmissible ex facie and prima facie - There is no question of collecting stamp duty thereon and marking it...........
Transfer of Property Act, 1882, Section 106, 107, Registration Act, 1908, Section 17, 49 -- Lease deed executed for a period of three years - It containing stipulation of three months notice to terminate the lease - Lease deed not registered - 15 days notice terminating tenancy given u/s 106 of TPA Act - Held, not illegal - Unregistered lease deed is not admissible in..........
Registration Act, 1908, Section 17(1)(b), 49 -- Family settlement containing recitals about past events - Held, not compulsorily registerable - Unstamped and unregistered family settlement and map annexed therewith admissible in evidence and can be allowed to be exhibited...........
Agreement to sell -- Unregistered - At the time when agreement was executed there was no requirement of its registration - Registration of agreement to sell immovable property worth more than Rs.100/- was made mandatory by U.P. Act No.57 of 1976 with effect from a date subsequent to the date of agreement - Held, agreement was not required to be registered...........
Agreement to sell -- Unregistered - The property does not vest in the transferee until its registration is effected - No title passes on the basis of mere unregistered agreement to sell...........
Registration Act, 1908, Section 17(1)(d) -- Lease deed - Lease from year to year reserving annual rent of Rs.99/- - Lease deed required compulsory registration - Unregistered lease deed cannot transfer any right, title or interest in the suit land in favour of the plaintiff...........
Transfer of Property Act, 1882, Section 107 -- Lease for 9 years - Lease deed unregistered - Held, lease of immovable property from year to year can be created by way of registered lease deed in view of S.107 of the Act - Unregistered lease deed not admissible in evidence in view of Section 49(c) of Registration Act, 1908...........
Will -- Proof - Registered or unregistered - Effect of - Held, Will whether registered or unregistered, it would have the same value - But it is imperative on its propounder to prove it like a crucial case beyond doubt in accordance with law and repel all suspicious circumstances...........